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We are a community of believers modeling the book of Acts in our daily living. many of us have come from denominationalism  where we have found some biblical teaching and a few Holy Spirit encounters. However, We all shared one common thought, "is this it?" Spend a couple of hours on a Sunday and walk out the same?  How do we really walk this out? Can somebody show us?


We have come to a place where we are truly desiring more, we know there is more.  We are seeking the presence of God through His word in an interactive forum.  Unified in mind and spirit, in a family atmosphere conducive to learning at every level of maturity. Everyone participates, asks questions and grows together.  It is what we like to call "the Acts Church."



Our Mission

To Cultivate relationships in a safe atmosphere where no one is judged or condemned, but loved, accepted and corrected in a manner that edifies and brings encouragement.


To identify, Train and Raise up leaders not just through academic efforts but by Holy Spirit guidance and by being an example through transparency and relationship.


To see lives changed, and to release those God has chosen from within our midst to continue the work of the ministry and spread the call to disciple others by word, demonstration, and example.


We pray we are used to spread the faith in Jesus and His finished work that we may have access to the creator of the universe and have been given all things to live right, in holy consecration for His glory and honor.  We also desire to become contagious and spread this biblical blueprint around the world one community at a time. 



Our Vision

Our vison is to multiply the Kingdom Jesus came to bring through His life, death, and resurrection one soul at a time.  We do this through demonstration of His gifts as we yield our lives and conform to His precepts daily.



Apostle Michael Gonzalez

Founder - Father / Husband / Son / Apostolic Leader / Teacher / Pastor / Delieverance Minister
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Prophetess Daisy Diaz - Gonzalez 

Amazing Partner / Co-Founder / Administrator & Women's Group Leader /Deliverance Minister


Prophetess Mirilia "Migi" Millan 

Ministry Intercessor - Administrator 


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10:00 AM - 09:00PM

Telphone / Office / Mobile 

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© 2016 Remnant Rising Ministries International ; A Ministry of  Honor God Be Constructive Inc.

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